This is Alain Boudreau, chair of the October 2015 Election Committee. I am posting this message today to update members regarding the elections for Unifor Local 506 President, Vice President and Secretary Treasurer.
At the September sub-local union meetings there was only one nomination each for the role of President, Vice President and Secretary Treasurer. The nominee for President, Sandy Brideau, accepted the nomination at the September 10th Re…gion 4 union meeting. The nominee for Vice President, Lisa Martin, accepted the nomination at the Sept 8th Region 1 Saint John Union meeting and the nominee for Secretary Treasurer, Roch Leblanc, accepted the nomination at the Sept 29th Region 2 Moncton union meeting.
The Election Committee has reviewed the nominee’s résumés and is pleased to announce that by acclamation Sandy Brideau will assume the role of President, Lisa Martin will assume the role of Vice President and Roch Leblanc will assume the role of Secretary Treasurer. Sandy, Lisa and Roch will be sworn in at the December Executive Board meeting.
Thank you and have a great day!
In solidarity, Alain Boudreau, Committee Chair