Unifor ACL – CIF Update
The Common Interest Forum (CIF) met on September 1-3 in
David Gates – Chairperson Unifor ACL/President Local 2289 NS
Bobby MacDonald – Vice – Chairperson Unifor ACL/President Local 401 PEI
Steve Howlett – President Unifor 410 NL
Sandy Brideau – President Unifor 506 NB
Joyclin Coates -Treasurer Unifor ACL
Susan Rice – Recording Secretary Unifor ACL
Rick Rose – Unifor National Representative
Helena Cain – VP Customer Care
Dale Grimes – VP Regional Services
Geoff Moore – Director Network
Dana Mackenzie – Senior Consultant Labour Relations
Jennifer Palov – Director HR
Barney Dobbin – Regional Director, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Services
Job Evaluation
The six classifications CSSR I & II, Translations, Printer, Help Desk & Data Operators that were selected for this process by joint decision, are still be evaluated and a final decision on this process is expected in the coming months. The Council and company also had a discussion regarding what a future process would entail, as
Bell Omni Flex
CIF received a presentation on the Bell Omni Flex Benefits plan. The Council will be conducting a comparison of our current Blue Cross Flex plan to the Bell Omni Flex plan to confirm that the new
Three classifications are to be used as a starting point (Implementation Co- coordinator, CSR and Network Rep II) for review of current SELQ requirements and possible recommendations for other classifications in the future.
Respectful Workplace Process
The company expressed interest in the joint training program provided by Unifor National. The company will consider applying this process to a test case in a future respectful workplace incident.
Community/Combo Tech Committee
Four positions to be posted for
Committee Structure Committee
The company and union committees such as BAJC and provincial JC are being evaluated for responsibilities and efficiency. A committee update will be given at the next CIF meeting in December.
Stand-By Language
It was discussed and the company agreed to look at proposed language and further discussion will take place at the next CIF meeting in December.
The various levels of the Bell Merit program were discussed. Council will be sending out a further update in the coming weeks on this item, regarding bargaining member’s participation in the Bell Merit program.
The company has agreed to send a Labour Relations Advisory notice to all management informing them of the proper process and notification.
There was a lengthy discussion between the company and Council regarding the recent media release that was sent out by the Council. Both parties expressed their positions and it was decided that the collaborative approach of CIF is a worthwhile method of negotiation to continue.
The next CIF meeting will be held December 1-3 in Halifax N.S
In Solidarity
David Gates Steve Howlett Joyclin Coates
Susan Rice Bobby MacDonald Sandy Brideau
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