New Brunswick Federation of Labour’s Statement for
International Workers’ Day
For Immediate Release April 29, 2015
(Moncton) The New Brunswick Federation of Labour, is pleased to mark May Day, the International Workers’ Day. In most countries around the world, May 1st or May Day is officially recognized and celebrated as the International Workers’ Day. Ironically, it is only in North America-where May Day got its start-that recognition has been given to another day (Labour Day)
May Day has its origins in the movement for an eight-hour day that swept the United-States and Canada during the mid-1880’s. At this time, most people worked between 10-12 hours a day, six days a week. This movement witnessed many sacrifices; some labour activists even lost their lives as a result, in order to obtain social and economic justice for all workers.
“The struggle for better wages, working conditions and safe workplaces continues to this day,” says Patrick Colford NBFL President. “Organized labour is working to improve rights and privileges enjoyed by all New Brunswickers, not just for union members. The labour movement in New Brunswick has a long history working to improve working conditions, health and safety in the workplace and social justice for society’s most vulnerable.”
Patrick Colford concludes by saying: “This year on May 1st, let’s take a moment to remember that the rights that we enjoy today came about as the result of the hard work and sacrifices made by activists that came before us. These rights include: minimum wage, equal pay for men and women, maternity and parental leave benefits and retirement security. If we want to leave a better world for our children, it is important for us to continue to work to improve working and social conditions in the province.”
The New Brunswick Federation of Labour is the central voice of organized labour in the province. We represent over 40 000 workers from every sector of the economy and from every community in the province.
For more information, please contact
Patrick Colford, President
New Brunswick Federation of Labour
(506) 857-9153 / (506) 381-8969 (cell)