What we all deserve
All workers need safe and healthy workplaces, decent time off work, a living wage, good benefits, job security and the chance to retire in dignity.
Unifor formed as a union to make sure that workers’ needs are addressed. Unifor represents over 305,000 employees in all kinds of workplaces – from airlines to construction, to office staff and health care workers, and many more.
We’re proud of our LGBT members
Unifor is a union for everyone. Our work around LGBT issues is truly a source of ‘pride’ for Unifor.
We value the contributions of our lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans members and are committed to defending the human rights of all workers.
We proudly stand alongside LGBT members and their families and work towards a fairer society for all – in Canada and around the globe.
You’ve got rights – we’ll stand up for them
You have the right to a harassment-free workplace. And your employer is legally obliged to provide it. Harassment can include unwanted verbal or physical contact, jokes, demeaning comments, violence or threat of violence, and even being ‘outed’.
Employers can’t discriminate in hiring or promotions based on sexual orientation, disability, race, sex, gender identity or gender expression. You’ve got rights and we can help.
Making improvements for LGBT members
Unions are a positive force for change in society.
Unifor has made major breakthroughs on lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans issues in the workplace.
We have been at the forefront of equal rights, proudly negotiating same-sex benefits and pensions, and the recognition of our relationships and families – long before any of it became law.
Source: http://www.unifor.org/sites/default/files/documents/document/unifor_pride_web.pdf